Saturday, March 29, 2008

Like Magic.

Ever spent time with friends and it just felt magical? i have.

Sometime ago, Yayi, Meilin and I went for supper at Fong Seng and we sat till 7 am. Yes, Daybreak. Went back to hall to continue with breakfast. It was one of those days you knew you could talk abt ANYTHING and somebody would listen. It had to be natural, it had to be real. And in the words of Yayi, "it cannot be fei1 zi4 ran2 !"

Such magical moments occurred more when we were younger... those late night chalets, teenage sleepovers. Priceless, now that i think about it. But as we get older, we have less time for magic. Fortunately, i have a bunch of frens who'll ask me out for drinks or just hang out at E1 to laugh and chat. Simple, maybe silly talk but nice anyhow.

Friends, in our busiest lives... remember to take time off to look up and find the Orion's Belt... or if u dun have dat much time den at least maybe... pick ur nose or sumthin... just DO sumthin else. Glad we had dat supper taptap.

Let's hope as we get busier... magic doesn't become magic shows.

For now, the disappearing act. *poof!* (disappeared to FYP.)


  1. Unknown said...

    Good luck for your FYP! Glad you're having fun. Friends are very important, must always treasure people who care =)

  2. fibre said...

    Hang in there, bro. FYP is just a small pebble in your life. Boulders await you. Another more sophisticated reason why hamsters exist is because we exist. Think about it, if there wasn't anybody to own them, do they still exist?