Saturday, March 29, 2008

Like Magic.

Ever spent time with friends and it just felt magical? i have.

Sometime ago, Yayi, Meilin and I went for supper at Fong Seng and we sat till 7 am. Yes, Daybreak. Went back to hall to continue with breakfast. It was one of those days you knew you could talk abt ANYTHING and somebody would listen. It had to be natural, it had to be real. And in the words of Yayi, "it cannot be fei1 zi4 ran2 !"

Such magical moments occurred more when we were younger... those late night chalets, teenage sleepovers. Priceless, now that i think about it. But as we get older, we have less time for magic. Fortunately, i have a bunch of frens who'll ask me out for drinks or just hang out at E1 to laugh and chat. Simple, maybe silly talk but nice anyhow.

Friends, in our busiest lives... remember to take time off to look up and find the Orion's Belt... or if u dun have dat much time den at least maybe... pick ur nose or sumthin... just DO sumthin else. Glad we had dat supper taptap.

Let's hope as we get busier... magic doesn't become magic shows.

For now, the disappearing act. *poof!* (disappeared to FYP.)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Back to square one.

Just had a hearty talk with Yujun. Supposed to do our Peak Oil essay but figured talking kok was more productive. Really put certain things into perspective for me and i have to get back to where i began. Sigh... with all this FYP and stuff... i really need to get a wife.. i mean life.


"Chijmes from above. Taken from Raffles City Tower."

"I've always loved sunsets... this is a picture i took from somewhere in hall. Breathtaking."

"Funky dude i met at the beach... "

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Beyond the cover of IHG

For those who don't know... IHG stands for inter-hall games, something i've been fervently pursuing for 4 years. Which is kinda stupid some people think. Why am i involved in something that doesn't seem productive or value-adding? Trust me. I've asked myself that question a million times... and at the end of it all, it's just down to gut feeling and intuition.

I am a firm subscriber to what Steve Jobs describe as "connecting the dots" in his speech to a bunch of Stanford graduates. In his words, you can only connect the dots looking backwards and not forward. So follow your heart and intuition, and trust it'll all work out someday. If you haven't found something you're passionate about... Keep looking. Don't settle.
Haha. I guess when you have such a prominent figure backing up what you believe in, it's comfortable to know that you're not alone. Having said that, it also seems like a convenient justification/excuse to whatever i'm doing now (includes bumming around)... cos i am following my gut and intuition. =D

IHG has certainly been different this year. Cos i had one less supporter... one that mattered. So amidst all the victories and celebrations... was really... hmm... emptiness. You know how people say life's really just layers and layers of bullshit? Yeah it's something like that. I busied myself with layers and layers of stuff that kept me entertained for sure. Suppering, clubbing, hosting, playing sports, hanging out... you name it i've done it. But as the layers start to peel off, there's nothing.

Oh well, now's not the time to emo momo... cos if i continue languishing in my wistful dream... i'll never find my utopia (in case u think i'm someone who can spout such literary off the top of my head... well i can't. these are my hosting lines for TH dance productions.) Anyways time to end off the blog with some unglam pictures of IHG.

aiyah tired la... upload another day...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Right now, i'd rather type a thousand words...

Time for a change. It's amazing what FYP can do to a person. I'm so absolutely stressed by my work that i'm actually writing on my picture blog all over again. Apologies for not updating my blog in a while... been really bogged down by work and... more work. But hey, nobody really reads my blog anyways so it's fine. =) The irony of blogs: it's for you to write just about ANYTHING in the world, just don't write about stuff you don't want people to read... duh.

Ok... just wanna share some of the weird things dat go thru my head.

I like to form theories. Has anybody heard of the hamster theory? Of course you haven't. I've told this to a couple of people but word doesn't get around dat fast plus it's probably a stupid theory. Here goes... HAMSTER THEORY: Certain people exist in the world (and get whatever they want) because they're good-looking. Period. There's no two-way about this.

Can anybody tell me why are hamsters not extinct? ok i hear a few smart alecks saying "cos they reproduce damn a lot at a time you dumb shit!". True. But that's not it. Look at them... so frail and small. They could die from falling from high places, a random cat's dinner (and one is not enough), eaten up by just about anything bigger than a hamster but the truth of the matter is, they're still around. One of world's greatest mystery eh? Think about it.

Because they're cute. That's it. Sorry for a lack of a more sophisticated answer. Think of the millions of people in the world who keep hamsters. The very existence of these puny creatures revolve around their cuteness. How they get food, water, the comfort of their shelter etc. Amazing. And all they have to do is to look adorable. People shower tender-loving care, feed them, bathe them, take pictures of them, give them nice accommodation (i know u're thinking cages but seriously, some of those i've seen are like semi-detached houses) and basically ANYTHING to ensure their comfortable livelihood.

Drawing parallels with the human world, i see this happening everyday. Hamster theory works for both guys and gals but for argument sake, i'll leave guys out of the equation for the moment. Everyday some girls doll up and dress nicely because they understand the hamster theory. Some girls who are oblivious to this theory still get the same loving treatment from guys because they are intrinsically cute. Doors get opened for, bags get carried for, seats are given up for and the list continues.

If you look cute, you're destined for continued existence in the human world (unless of course you get flattened by a falling refrigerator or... you get the drift.) Cute people most often than not get what they want... whether they mean it or not. And there's nothing anybody can do to change that.

On the other end of the spectrum, there is the Cockroach. Well, he's one helluva poor bugger. He lives in the worst sewers in the world, has to fight for every morsel of food everyday. But, he survives the trials and tribulations of everyday life because he is fit, he runs fast and some can even fly. Here's the irony: People marvel at Superman when he flys wondering whether he's a bird or a plane, but when cockroaches fly, nobody second-guesses. He is definitely the ugliest airborne creature the world has ever seen. No doubt.

So i guess you get what i'm trying to say. Cockroaches get the treatment they do because they're ugly. (Can we leave out the diseases here... i'm just making an analogy) It's the sad truth. Imagine this: As you're strolling down orchard road looking for a place to eat, suddenly without any warning, a gigantic rolled-up newspaper descends from the sky and flattens you in a second. Well, that's the kind of treatment cockroaches get when they come out to look for a meal.

Wow i could really write a thesis about this haha! Wonder why i'm hardly as productive for my FYP. Oh well don't be alarmed by the cockroach story... turns out most of us are neither hamsters or cockroaches... just somewhere in between.

For those out there who haven't found your hamster, keep looking and don't give up! For those who've found, grab hold of him/her (not too tightly though) and never let go. I've never been really good at keeping my hamsters... but that's another story for another day.

Alrite, gotta get back to reality. Peace out.