Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today it's TUPTUP

Long time no blog for TUPTUP is me.

That explains the lack of picture for a let-the-pictures-do-the-talking blog.
Today i shall blog about...TUPTUP. Everyday make TupTup upset. sigh. HAHA
This is Tuptup when he was a kid. We dont know why he is droooling. . I dont know, from some angle, he looks disturbingly like Tommy. Tommy is the greedy bear as shown in the pic below.

So u see, he was a saliva kid. HE is still a saliva boy....... I have to agree. So ah-goo-goo cute when he was young. Those cheeks. Feel like pinching them.

As life has it..he turns be... he looked when he was a kid.

OKok i cheated. i posted an unglam photo.
Anyway. This is Taptap and tuptup! The happy 6th month. Ok sorry girls, Tuptup is not me.TUPTUP is mine. HAHAHAHA.