Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Temasek Hall. Restless Bee. Monsters Inc. Bread Pudding Day.

Really procrastinated on this post. Dat explains the multiple titles. heh. Found out a lot of stuff abt myself lately.

I'm a restless bee. I've always been restless... needing to do sumthin all the time. Activities galore, friends aplenty but time, as with most people, just ain't enough. I guess i've been roaming from one flower to the next dilligently working on stuff dat matter to me. Hall stuff, sports, organizing events, friends. Course i made sacrifices along the way but i was happy. Happy cos everything made sense, everything was worth its while. A friend of mine told me dat a friend of hers was having trouble with a friend of his cos he was too enthralled in activities. (how subtle.) oh well, sounds too familiar n i guess all i can offer is... when restless bee finds that one flower, the answer unfolds as it should.

Everybody has a monster in their closet. Me included. Mine has hurt many people along the way and has recently emerged to wreck havoc again. And i guess no matter what we say or do after that... the damage is done. So what happens next? well what do u think happens after Ultraman takes down Godzilla or when King Kong is subdued? No i don't mean the credits come out... what i mean is... we re-build. Let's hope dat monster stays in the closet forever otherwise, there may be nothing left to repair the next time round. Well on the King Kong note, perhaps i should loosen my grip on the poor screaming damsel and cut her some slack. Haha.

Feeling old. Not in dat wow-i'm-mature-n-attractive-like-they-say-the-older-the-better-wine-is kind of way. More like the *cough!*wheeze!*puff!*splutter!*-i'm-too-old-for-anything kind. Heh. (not to mention, it's starting to show.) Recently, sprained my neck playing soccer too!

But life is bliss! Cos at the end of the day... i still have bread pudding. Gets a little puffed up when she's heated, a little charred when she's hot for too long, sweet when you first plunge your spoon in... and even sweeter when you have more of her. More than just a dessert to me. Probably sumthin i could eat for the rest of my life. =)

She looks like this.