Tuesday, July 15, 2008

That tree goes to commencement!!!

Me very der busy. Attended 2 commencement ceremonies. Started work today. So der taptap must blog for me.

Here are some of my commencement pictures. There were too many photos, so i chose some of my cuter ones. I think i Look...GORGEOUS. Doubt u can find someone as cool and suave as me in the convocation gown. Plus i had a really good photographer that day and a really powerful camera with mega-sized lenses.

Then attended the taptap's commencement ceremony.What to do. No choice ma. I dun go she sure chop me up. But guess what!! i found so many people i knew there n that gave me a chance to take many cute photos(of me) again!!!
This is der taptap whom i like to scold and bully.

Found my hall friends and old hc friends from chem eng as well.